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Breathe Freely Roadshows

A new series of roadshows is announced:

Free to attend, 8.30am - noon, breakfast included:
July 13th: Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Birmingham
September 21st: Brunel's SS Great Britain, Bristol
October 27th: Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh
November 15th: London (exact venue TBC)

The FREE breakfast events will:

  • Review the Breathe Freely campaign to date - looking at some of the new developments including the HI standard tool for managing workplace health risks and the audit scheme we are developing as well as the new course, Certificate in Controlling Health Risks in Construction (CCHRC).

  • Discuss examples of actions taken on health, how Breathe Freely materials have been used, and how occupational hygiene has been embedded and the impact it had.

  • Discuss key and emerging issues on health in the sector, and share ideas on the resources needed, which we could develop as part of the campaign going forwards.

Register your place here >>

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